Contact us:
1080 Fairdale Glen
Farmington, NY 14425
Phone: (585) 471-0511

Any errors found on this website?
Use the above email address to report the errors.

Jean Vaughan – President
Jan Walker - Vice President
Matt Baumgartner - Association Manager

Becky Albanese
Barb Barkley (Youth Rep)
Jon Barkley (Youth Rep)
Craig Cummings
Dakota Cummings
Jordan Benzing
Amy Green
James Hessenius
Gail Tiller (Youth Rep)

Mission Statement
The Canandaigua USBC Association ensures the integrity and protects the future of the sport, provides programs, services and enhances the bowling experience.

The Canandaigua USBC Association mission is to serve men, women, and youth. Providing opportunities for competition and providing leagues with USBC services such as league bonding, awards, association tournaments, average verification, and regulated lane conditions.
We are always looking for energetic volunteers to serve on our committees and become board members. Contact any board member if interested. 

History The Canandaigua USBC Association was formed in the 2006-2007 bowling season. It is comprised of the former Canandaigua Bowling Association, the Canandaigua Women's Bowling Association, and the Canandaigua Young American Bowling Alliance. In the 2005-2006 season, the former associations joined the newly merged USBC and operated separately.