2023 Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame Event
The Canandaigua USBC Association hosted our Hall of Fame Induction Dinner on Saturday, October 14, 2023, at the American Legion Post 256,Canandaigua, New York. The following men and women were inducted:
Outstanding Performance
John Ayers (posthumously)
Craig Cummings
Wayne Potter
Dan Shoff
Meritorious Service
Cheryl Baumgartner
Joyce Brink
Know someone that should be in the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame?
Download a nomination form here
Our last inductee tonight is being done posthumously. In 2013, John Ayers passed away at the young age of 48. John didn’t pick up a bowling ball until he was 18 years old when his brother Vern gave him his first ball, and the rest is history!
A little personal information on John for those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to know him. John was the second youngest of seven. He was a Navy veteran who joined from 1980 to 1984 serving our country as a radioman and his rank was 2nd Class Petty Officer.
John’s life was bowling. He bowled at both Roseland and Raceway Lanes. In addition to his many adult leagues, John also bowled in the Adult/Youth League with his niece, Danielle. He bowled in numerous tournaments including the Masters, Wild Irish Rose, Elks, and Moose.
John had a love for all the kids bowling at Roseland. He was always willing to help and give pointers to the youth bowlers. John often handed those kids a dollar bill and would say, “here you go buddy” and off they would go with a big smile on their faces. I was one of those kids and a recipient of the John Ayers Scholarship created by Wayne Potter.
At John’s funeral service, the family provided a “dollar tree” in remembrance of John’s gesture to the kids. Anyone attending was invited to take a dollar from the tree.
One of his proudest moments was beating Ken Muscato in the finals of the Masters Tournament. Ken is an awesome bowler and John loved the competition.
John’s achievements include:
•2 times a Master’s winner in 2000 and 2003
•Runner-up in the Masters in 2011
•10 – 300 games
•2 – 800 series
•High Average of 227 in the Canandaigua Merchants League
•High Sport Average of 215 (converted) in the Roseland Major League
•Averaged over 200 in every league, every year that he bowled.
In closing out, I need to share that John had quite a sense of humor. There was a story that one night a young man stood on the railroad tracks on Main Street in Canandaigua, with bowling ball in hand, he rolled that ball toward the lake to see how far it would go…rumor has it the cops are still looking for the culprit! We love you John!
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to posthumously induct my friend and teammate, John Ayers, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for his Outstanding Performance in the Veteran Category. Accepting the award is John’s brother, Vern.
Cheryl Baumgartner, Vern Ayers (posthumously for John Ayers) Joyce Brink, Dan Shoff, Wayne Potter, Craig Cummings
My Dad, Craig Cummings, is a familiar face as a league bowler. Although he may not always be early or on time for league play or tournament competition, he is always committed to participating.
Dad raised us three boys, Maverick, Tyler, and myself. Maverick, a former bowler, had a natural ability for the game. Tyler and myself have participated in numerous tournaments and leagues with Dad. I would be remiss if I did not mention Dads’ parents and my grandparents, Jim, and Char Cummings, as they are his biggest fans. They are there to cheer him on every night during league play and any tournament competition that he partakes in and often accompanied by Dad’s partner, Jill Knorr.
Dad started his bowling career early in life at the age of five. He bowled for 9 years in the youth leagues at both Roseland Bowl and Raceway Lanes. He also bowled on the Canandaigua Academy Boys’ Varsity Bowling Team during his high school years. Overall, Dad has spent the last 50 years dedicated to the sport.
Dad’s bowling achievements came early. At the age of 14, he was selected to represent Raceway Lanes in the Western NY Travel Team with other accomplished teammates including USBC/PBA Hall of Famer Doug Kent, Ernie Morf, and Mark George. This is when he scored his first 300 game during competition at Terrace Garden Lanes in Rochester.
Dad’s second 300 game came at the age of 16 while competing in the Scratch Division Finals of the Youth Bowler’s Tour in Ithaca, NY and going on to win the event. A highlight of being part of the Canandaigua Varsity Bowling Team is the team game record of 1,436, and a team series record of 3,920 versus the Seneca Falls Team at Finger Lakes Bowl.
Dad’s first adult 300 game came in 1991 at Raceway Lanes in front of a packed house during a mixed league competition (funny story that he will relate to later).
One of the greatest highlights of Dad’s career was on November 13th, 2003, at Roseland Bowl. That night Dad threw two 300 games back-to-back in the Roseland Major League. He finished that series with a 236 game.
The highlights continued when his parents witnessed him roll a 300 game on February 8th, 2022. To add to the joy, Tyler and myself, were his teammates.
In April 2023, while competing in the Team Event of the NYS Elks Tournament in Schenectady at Town & Country Lanes, Dad bowled the highest series of his career throwing an 841, with games of 287, 298, and 256!
Other achievements of Dad’s bowling career to date:
•High Average of 231 in the Laker’s League during the 2006-2007 season
•High Sport Bowling Series of 819 which included a 299 game
•22 plus - 300 Games with the most recent on the first night of league this season.
•6 - 800 Series.
•Averaged over 200 for over 22 years
•Runner-up in the Masters Tournament 7 times
Service to the game of bowling was always there. Dad has held league offices as President, Vice President, and Secretary over several years. In the earlier years of his career, he was President of the YABA League and participated on YABA committees.
Checking back through the years, Dad has averaged bowling 4 or 5 nights a week whether it be as a regular or sub. All of Dad’s 300 games have not always occurred during league play. He has bowled his 22-plus sanctioned 300 games in 7 different bowling centers. Four of those games were shot in tournaments including the New York State USBC Masters, the NYS Elks, the NYS Moose, and the Wild Irish Rose. This guy gets around!
Overall, Dad states the proudest moments of his career are bowling in league and various PBA/USBC tournaments with myself and Tyler, while being cheered on by my grandparents, and Jill and Ashley.
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to induct my father and teammate, Craig Cummings, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for his Outstanding Performance.
Wayne Potter began his bowling career at the age of 36 at Raceway Lanes. The same place where he met his beautiful wife, Debbie, in 1991. Together they have five children, Kyle, Sarah, Nicole, Troy, and Kira. Wayne is retired but continues to work his part time job at Roseland Bowl.
Wayne has been bowling for over 36 years. He is a natural at the game! He has bowled locally, state-wide, and nationally. Wayne shot his first 300 game in 1991 and that same year rolled his first 800 series. Also, in 1991 at Raceway Lanes, Jack Moran ran his first and only guaranteed No-Tap Singles tournament. Wayne won that tournament earning the top prize of $2,000.
One of his proudest accomplishments was representing New York State at the USBC Senior Championships in Cincinnati, Ohio in 2019. He earned the spot as a runner-up in the New York State Senior Tournament. He ended the tournament in 17th place. He did win a sweeper in the tournament for some “sweet cash.”
Locally, Wayne has participated in numerous tournaments. In 2009, Wayne finished the Canandaigua USBC Masters Tournament as the runner-up. Not to be defeated again, in 2010 he finished in the top spot by beating Greg D’Imperio. In 2019 he was the champion of the Tommy Kress 60 and over Tournament.
Wayne has also finished in the top ten in several Rochester tournaments including the Lilac, and locally in the Wild Irish Rose Tournaments over the years. Wayne’s high average over the years is a 227 in the Canandaigua Merchants League during both the 2010-2011 and 2015-2016 seasons. He has averaged over 200 every year since the 2001-2002 season.
Looking over Waynes’ leagues, he was either a regular or sub bowling from two to five leagues a week.
Some of Wayne’s achievements include:
•Bowling 14 years in the Roseland Majors sport league with a high converted average of 227.
•High Series of 830 rolled on September 6, 2001
•Bowled 5 – 800 Series
•Bowled 9 – 300 games (sanctioned)
•Bowled 15+ 300 games (non-sanctioned)
•Beat Walter Ray Williams in the BLM in Las Vegas for a 3rd place finish
•Bowled a 900 No-Tap Series at Roseland Bowl
In 2013 one of Wayne’s best friends, John Ayers, passed away unexpectedly. Wayne took it upon himself to create the John Ayers Scholarship fund which generated, through bowling fund raisers, over $5,000 in scholarship monies given to college students.
Wayne has spent the past 24 years assisting with coaching, been a volunteer for the New York State Senior Women’s Singles Tournament, he has organized squads for various tournaments and numerous other events at Roseland Bowl.
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to induct my friend and teammate, Wayne Potter, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for his Outstanding Performance.
Inductees into our local Hall of Fame Veteran category should have longevity in our association as an adult bowler and have consistent performance during each era of bowling. A veteran bowler can qualify for entry into the Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service, Outstanding Performance, or a combination of both Performance and Service, as well as a reputation for outstanding sportsmanship and conduct. Dan Shoff is that inductee.
Dan’s bowling career started at the age of 9 at Palace Lanes in Olean, New York. Being a youth bowler during this time there were no Youth Bowling Leagues. Dan’s Parents were the ones that got him interested in bowling as they were avid bowlers as well. Dan’s Mother was a great bowler. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s she was averaging around 160.
Dan’s employment career started at Palace Lanes as a pinsetter from 1967 to 1969. He set pins by hand 5 nights a week and on Saturdays afternoons. The pay at the time was 15 cents a game. If you asked Dan about it now. He would say the pay wasn’t much, but it was well worth it.
Dan joined the US Navy in 1971 and is a veteran having spent 22 years active duty and retiring at the rank of Chief Petty Officer. When Dan was stationed in different ports, he joined several bowling leagues, but during his first 10 years of service Dan was not able to do much bowling. When Dan was on shore duty in 1983, he was able to start bowling again. During this time Dan’s achievements include several 700 series. This was before the invention of resin and urethane bowling balls. On September 23, 1983, Dan married Paula. They have 2 adult children Morgan and Kellen and just like Dan’s parents. Dan and Paula introduced their kids to the sport of bowling.
Since 1997, Dan has spent a combined 26 years in the Canandaigua BA and USBC where he has bowled at least 2 nights a week and still does today. Dan’s dedication to the sport of bowling also includes 8 years as a league secretary/treasurer and 4 years as a league president. Dan also served as a director on the board of the Canandaigua USBC Association. In addition to volunteering his time for these positions, Dan also has been a team sponsor.
I think Dan would most likely say that the highlights of his bowling career would be shooting his first 800 series on January 15,2009 with games of 278,279, and 247 for an 804 series. Also, a month later, on February 16, 2009, he rolled his first 300 game. Another memorable one would be the 2010-2011 bowling season when on January 14, 2010, he bowled games of 290, 278, and 286 for a high series of 854. Dan finished the season with the highest sanctioned average of 217. Dan’s other achievements include five 300 games and three 800 series.
Dan’s claim to fame is that he has never finished first in a tournament. He has been runner up three times in the Senior Tournaments. In 2003 and 2010 he was second in the Canandaigua Bowling Association tournament. Then in 2021 he was second in The Canandaigua USBC Association tournament.
In addition to Dan Shoff’s Performance and Service, I nominated Dan because of his passion for the game and his compassion for helping others. Most of you know Dan, but I would like to share a story about Dan you might not know. (story)
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to induct my good friend and former teammate, Dan Shoff, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for his Performance and Service to the sport of bowling.
This evening, Cheryl Baumgartner is being inducted for Meritorious Service. This category is defined as those who have devoted time, knowledge, and experience to advance the game and promote the sport of bowling.
Cheryl is a wife, mother, sister, aunt, and an outstanding volunteer. She is the wife of Andrew Baumgartner and mother of four, Matt, Nathan, Megan, and Emily. She has been employed by our local VA Hospital for 39 years as an LPN.
Cheryl has been a coach for the youth bowling program for over 33 years commencing at Raceway Lanes and then onto Roseland Bowl. She continued to coach even after her own children aged out of the youth program. She now instructs children of the children she once coached.
Cheryl says the most exciting part for me coaching the Bumper League is when they get that spare or strike or their first “100 game”. These kids are amazing and get so excited at this age level and are so animated about everything.
Cheryl has been a member of the Youth Committee for over a decade. In 2006, she served as Youth Supervisor where she oversaw the youth leaders run numerous events which included scholarship fundraising events. The Youth Leaders program also focused on developing leadership skills in our youth bowlers.
In addition to coaching the youth Cheryl also started the Canandaigua Academy Bowling Boosters which was organized to fund- raise for the Varsity Bowling Team. She spent six years as an officer of the Canandaigua Bowling Boosters.
Cheryl’s other contributions to the sport include time served as a league secretary/treasurer and as a volunteer for the Bowl for a Cure tournament for several years.
There is always time for bowling though. Her personal bowling career began when her Dad, Stan Cummings, would introduce her to the sport when she was just eight years old. Cheryl has bowled for over 40 years and has competed in a number New York State Senior Women’s Singles Tournaments and local association tournaments and competes in several leagues.
Her team of Stan’s Girls placed first in the local association tournament, and she also placed first in the singles event. Cheryl, along with her son Matt, placed first in the BPAA Family Tour Doubles event held at Roseland Bowl. They advanced to the state level held at Del Lanes in Delmar, New York.
The highlight of Cheryl’s individual achievement awards includes a high game of 279. Cheryl states that she had recently switched to a fingertip ball and in the game began stringing several strikes when she left that dreaded 10-pin but continued to strike off the sheet.
After her last ball was thrown, Cheryl’s husband ran onto the approach at which time she scolded him. He then said to her, “you don’t know what you did?” and she replied, “yes, I just beat Jon Barkley!.”
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to induct my Mom, Cheryl Baumgartner, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for her Meritorious Service to our youth and the sport of bowling.
Tonight, we are inducting Joyce Brink into the Hall of Fame for her Meritorious Service to the sport of bowling.
Joyce is a Mom of two daughters and seven grandchildren. She is currently employed by ARC. You will always find Joyce’s partner, Jim Holbrook, in tow when Joyce is on the lanes. He is her biggest fan.
Joyce began bowling at the age of 24. She claims her sister-in-law, Becky Clawson, got her started in the sport. She has bowled at the former Locust Lanes in Naples, and currently bowls at Roseland Bowl and Brock’s Bowl in Penn Yan.
Along with her service, dedication, and participation in the sport of bowling, Joyce has been involved not only on the local level but also has served at the New York State level.
Joyce has held the position of league secretary/treasurer for 18 years in the Monday Misfits League. She has served as a director of the Canandaigua Women’s Bowling Association for several years. On a state level Joyce has served as a delegate to the New York State Women’s Bowling Association for several years.
Joyce has also assisted on both the special events and tournament committees of the former Canandaigua Women’s Bowling Association. Joyce has also been a team sponsor.
Bowling has always been in Joyce’s blood. In her 39-year career, she has bowled in over 30 New York State Women’s tournaments. In addition, Joyce has also traveled the country to participate in 10 national tournaments, cashing a few times in both states and nationals.
When asked about some highlights she stated the best part of bowling is the camaraderie with her teammates and making new friends when she has traveled to both states and nationals. She has achieved two first place team finishes in the Monday Misfits league. Local tournament participation has earned her six first place finishes, three of which were Team events, and three were Doubles events, two with teammate Pat Stahlman, and one with teammate Sheila Raymond and two All Events 1st place finishes.
Joyce’s favorite highpoint though came on January 25th, 2007, when she bowled her first 700 series with a high game of 289. Her high average of 194, also came during the 2006-2007 season in the Denby Vending Doubles League. Joyce is an exceptional candidate for induction to our Hall of Fame.
Tonight, it is my honor and privilege to induct my friend and teammate, Joyce Brink, into the Canandaigua USBC Hall of Fame for her Meritorious Service.